Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Testimonial: Kulit wajah yang cantik selepas consume vitamin from Shaklee

pagi tadi terbaca kat FB kak mashitah from
kak shitah share testimonial from one of shaklee customer yang consume SET D skincare shaklee..
baru guna sebulan lebih..
korang mesti baca smpai habis..hehe..dan tengokla hasilnya..
memang ketara sangat tengok perubahan kulit flawless..
uhhh..I jeles youuuu,,,

kalau sape2 nak consume set D ni..sila la contact saya yea,.,
u can just email me for any inquiries..


Tony said...

Nampak macam photo lebih gelap dan lebih cerah saje haha. The Amazing Spider-Man - movie review

Hani Shaklee said...

@Tony Teh: haha..this person baru consume almost pic taklah nampak sangat..maybe in real we can see the difference.. but i already upload another testimonial in previous post..that one memang ketara..hehe