Thursday, September 27, 2012

at last..I come back..

salam n hi to all..
lama giler rasanya menyepi..
tangan ni malas giler nak menaip..
banyak benda berlaku sepanjang berhibernate ni..hehe
ade sedih..ade duka..ade gembira..
dan yg paling penting..


sekarang tengah tunggu senate letter..

alhamdulillah..dah tamat sudah all the hard works..
bulan dua tahun depan baru register utk PhD plak..

anyway.. my healthy is getting better..
maybe esok pergi buat medical check up..
medical check up sesaje..mane la tahu kot2 ade kurang ade terlebih lam badan ni..

n skang ni saya active berinstagram..tu yg malas nk berberlog tu..haha
suka ambik gambar pastu upload aje..hehehe

since i'm still busy this  week..nuthing much that I can write..
next week I will fly back to my hometown...balik coz kena bagi talk motivasi utk sekolah lama saya..
hehe..tak sabar nak balik sekolah lama..

kenangan tuuu...
ok la..have a nice day to all..will come back again soon..